Robert’s work consists of conceptual sound, text-based interventions, performances and installations. Further works utilize artistic practices such as photography, writing, printmaking and drawing. All projects are framed and connected by an overarching artistic research process, focusing on inner structural characteristics of found or created sonic environments. Using a radically reductive and interdisciplinary approach, Robert’s work investigates modes and possibilities of sonic accessibility. In short, sound is used as an interdisciplinary tool to understand one’s environment and the human condition.
Robert was born in Cologne, GER, and lives in Albuquerque, NM.
masa medina (bandcamp)
demonic devices (bandcamp)
search behaviors (bandcamp)
concrete - III (bandcamp)
concrete - II (bandcamp)
concrete - I (bandcamp)
blodgett - I & II (bandcamp)
RES - concrete I (tape release via Veinte 33 records)
soundtrack for the exhibition The motive of terror in print making
lake eerie (bandcamp)
RES - II - cyrene (via total dissonance worship)
rsd - northern: ashroud is my country (released via american dreams records)
automatic fruit (via pan y rosas discos)
strife of permanence (released via american dreams records)
room 135 (released via pan y rosas discos)
the specter of small things (released via rummage records)
when the sky is a mild gray (w/ jonathan rodriguez)
pace of
untitled (april 2020)
untitled (berlin 2017)
and horses were marking time
Transmissions (re-composition of pier to pier, berlin, 2017)
untitled (chicago march 2020)
De Mystificiation of Cheonwangbong
Causeway Series - III
Causeway Series - II
Causeway Series - I
coffee rings - I to III
Blodgett - I
same river - II
Car Radio Piece - II to VII
inversion piece - I
Car Radio Piece - I
same river - I
Elegy to the beginning of friends’ goodbyes
untitled (drone study)
several conceptual works for immateriality - touring group show with international artists, UK
structures [albuquerque] - 8 radical site-specific sound installations, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Self-Crossing - two prints for Open Press Project Exhibition at KGW, Cologne, Germany
She Wears Yesterday’s News - w/ STUDIO HEOMUGEOTO at Retramp Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Phenomenology of Darkness - w/ STUDIO HEOMUGEOTO at Peresvetov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Phenomenology of Darkness - w/ STUDIO HEOMUGEOTO at 2,04 Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
Phenomenology of Darkness - w/ STUDIO HEOMUGEOTO at Black Hole, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Transient Skin - exhibition with STUDIO HEOMUGEOTO at Zönotéka, Berlin, Germany
reciprocal structures - Installation at Mana Contemporary, as part of Art Basel Miami, Miami, FL, USA
structures [ miami ] - Piece at The Bass Museum, Miami FL, USA
structures [ miami ] - Piece at Perez Art Museum, Miami FL, USA
structures [ berlin ] - radically site-specific sound installation, Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin, Germany
structures [ minneapolis ] - Piece at Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA
structures [ minneapolis ] - seven performative sound installations published as a book, Minneapolis, USA
structures [ mdina ] - Mdina Biennale 2017-2018 at the Cathedral Museum, Mdina, Malta
structures [ tübingen ] - Generate!° Festival for Electronic Arts at Shedhalle, Tübingen, Germany
structures [ siegen ] - Museum for Contemporary Art, Siegen, Germany
vertical sounds I structures [ bernau ] - Wasserturm, Bernau, Germany
Integrated Structure - Small Water Reservoir, Berlin, Germany
[ marks ] - Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne, Germany
Obicere - Holstentor, Luebeck, Germany
Klang Tour 2016 - Germany
Pretrospective (Werkschau) - Ujeongguk Galerie, Seoul, South Korea
Small Sound Installation Series - Berlin, Cologne, Seoul, Tokyo
CONCRETE [kõˈkrɛt] - Bunker k101, Cologne, Germany
Pier To Pier - Badeschiff - Arena Berlin, Berlin, Germany
[ p ] - Kölner Graphikwerkstatt, Cologne, Germany
Talks / Lectures:
Book Presentation at Bookworks, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Lecture at University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Artist Talk at 2,04 Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
Lecture at Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Lecture at British Higher School of Art & Design, Moscow, Russia
Artist Talk at Black Hole, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Lecture at Miami International University of Art & Design, Miami, USA
Artist Talk at Eat my Words! bookshop, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Artist Talk at Generate!° Festival in Tübingen, Germany
Invited artist talk at takt Kunstraum in Berlin, Germany
Interview with Bill Fontana for Bill Fontana "Distant Trains and other works" as part of die Reihe. Contributions to auditory art and culture
die Reihe is an event series of the Audio Communication Group at Technical University Berlin and the Master’s program Sound Studies at the Berlin Career College at Berlin University of the Arts. (Source:
Warehouse 505 (Albuquerque, NM)
University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM)
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, RI)
Wheaton College (Norton, MA)
DePaul University (Chicago, IL)
Northwestern University (Chicago, IL)
Lake in a dip - III
Lake in a dip - II
Lake in a dip - I
Performance at The Boxcar, Chicago
artistic standpoint - conceptual photography series, USA (ongoing)
31 - conceptual scores for public space, Cologne, Germany
blodgett - performed by EOC at Kontakte Biennale, Academy of the arts, Berlin, Germany
The Lessening - three radically reduced sound compositions; at Corpus Arts, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Under the Suns of Death - with Studio Heomugeoto (Gayageum, Fixed Media), Retramp Gallery, Berlin
elegy to the beginning of friends’ goodbyes - at 2,04 Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
elegy to the beginning of friends’ goodbyes - at Peresvetov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
elegy to the beginning of friends’ goodbyes - at 2,04 Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
elegy to the beginning of friends’ goodbyes & untitled (drone study) - at Black Hole, Ni. Novgorod, Russia
Under the Sons of Death - with Studio Heomugeoto (Tape, Fixed Media), ACUD Macht Neu, Berlin
Under the Sons of Death - with Studio Heomugeoto, Spektrum, Berlin, Germany
elegy to the beginning of friends’ goodbyes - at Mana Contemporary ( Art Basel Miami), Miami, USA
SoundArt Festival - performance at WDR3 Studio, Cologne, Germany
elegy to the beginning of friends’ goodbyes (2018 - german premier)
untitled (2018) - drone study (premier)
planar piece (2018 - premier)
coffee rings (2018) - performance at SinusTon Festival, Magdeburg, Germany
Electronic Orchestra Charlottenburg - 9 modular synthesizers performers
coffee rings (2018) - performance CFA Downtown Studio, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Alan Zimmerman - Percussion
Robert Stokowy - Fixed Composition & speakers
seoul music (2017) & tiergarten (2018) - performance at Eat My Words Bookstore, Minneapolis, MN, USA
coffee rings (2018) - performance by RenegadeEnsemble , Minneapolis, MN, USA
Joshua Weinberg - Flutes
Michael Betz - Synthesizer
Matt Clark - Electronics & Drum
marks & untitled piece (2018) - concert at Kitty Cat Klub, Minneapolis, MN, USA
untitled piece (berlin) (2017) & untitled piece (seoul) - concert at Korean Culture Institute Pavillon, Berlin
Perspectives on Artistic Research - concert with Andrew Simon Miller at Spektrum, Berlin
marks - concert for four speakers for Inter-#8 at Stereo, Glasgow
MASCHINE I BAND performance with burgund t brandt and Schmitt at Slaughterhouse, Berlin, Germany
Compositions / Scores:
calling upon erida - experimental opera for 4-8 performers, for Mdina Biennale 2020
blodgett - visual score for 8 performers
it’s a drag - performance for 8 performers & 30-40 objects
Birthday Performance Series - 31 concept art pieces
CRPRT (Civil Reinforcement Patriotism Resistance Training) - for 3-6 percussionists
good players on bad pianos - improvisation piece for solo performer
Car Radio Piece - performative piece for solo driver & car radio (AM/FM)
De Mystification of Cheonhwangbong - fixed composition & solo performer (gayageum)
Water Piece - text-based score for in-situ solo performance
Soil - performative piece for 6-90 amplified electric guitars/basses
coffee rings - visual score for solo performer or ensemble
Call for Player - piece for piano, solo performer & phones
Travel Score - visual score for cognitive in-situ solo performance
Favorite Bands - Text-based score for media manipulation
Conceptual Piece Series - five text-based performative scores for solo & group actions
phone poetry - selection of 20 poems created from algorithmic patterns; Chicago, USA
structures [ cologne ] - 10 performative sound installations for Cologne, Germany
luminaria - book of photography (unpublished)
wire series - book of conceptual photography (unpublished)
structures [ albuquerque ] - 7 performative sound installations, self-published, Albuquerque, USA
taciturn - book of monotype prints, self-published, Berlin, Germany
Tar Drops - book of photography, self-published, Berlin, Germany
structures [ miami ] - seven performative sound installations - self-published, Miami, FL, USA
structures [ minneapolis ] - seven performative sound installations - self-published, Minneapolis, USA
Bill Fontana’s Distant Trains - A Documentation Of An Acoustic Relocation
for Organised Sound - International Journal of Music & Technology (Volume 22 - Issue 1 - Context-based Composition)
Radio Shows:
Since 2025
Lärm on WQRT 99.1FM (weekly metal radio show)
Since 2020
Rummage Radio on WQRT 99.1FM (weekly show about electroacoustic music)
Funding, sponsoring and project partnerships were provided by: